Precision Meets Power: Why Artists and Designers Love the Apple Pencil Pro

Apple Pencil Pro: Unleash your creativity with pressure sensitivity, new gestures & Find My support. Perfect for artists & designers!
Estimated read time: 2 min

Precision Meets Power: Why Artists and Designers Love the Apple Pencil Pro

Artist using Apple Pencil Pro on iPad
Image: Apple

As we reported earlier, Apple has finally introduced a new and most awaited Apple Pencil Pro at the Let Loose event. This is the first update to the pencil world since the Apple Pencil (2nd generation) was launched in 2018. The new Pencil Pro comes at the same price of $129 as its predecessor and you can now pre-order it from the official website. 

Apple Pencil Pro comes with many new gestures 一Squeeze, Barrel Roll, and Double Tap are among the top ones that raise the eyebrows of many artists and designers. This new pencil is very pressure sensitive and allows the artist to draw a line when and where they want. This results in a delicate outline to the bold outline.

The new Pencil Pro carries over some features from its predecessor such as the double-tap gesture in Pencil (2nd-gen), which lets you easily switch between tool options such as the pen and eraser. Apple introduced a new "Squeeze" gesture similar to what the Air Pods 2 Steam provides. This new gesture senses the user's squeeze and brings up a palette, so you can easily change tools like colors and weights. This new addition is a complete historical tool for artists who want to add even minor details to their artwork.

Glass of cherries on iPad with Apple Pencil Pro"
Image: Apple

Are you a designer? So your designs are ready to take a rollercoaster twist. The new Apple Pencil Pro brings a barrel roll gesture that lets you easily rotate your pencil for precise control. This precision will give your design a realistic and crisp look. No more messy lines or wrong strokes, your digital creations will be on point.

An exciting move by Apple, the new Pencil Pro is compatible with the latest M2 iPad Air and M4-powered iPad Pro and is purpose-built for designers, artists and digital creators. These new iPads let you use your favorite graphics application, whether it's Illustration, Lightroom for photo editing, or Adobe Photoshop with flawless detail, and the new Apple Pencil Pro becomes an extension of your creative vision.

An interesting feature of Apple Pencil Pro that will please all users is the "Find My Pencil" feature. This addition was a need of the hour, as its sleek design caused the pencil to slip or be accidentally dropped while drawing in a blanket or under a cushion. Kudos to Apple for bringing this feature and saving the user from this headache. So enjoy your design freely.

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