Apple Apologizes for 2024 iPad Pro 'Crush' Ad

Apple apologizes for controversial 2024 iPad Pro ad ("Crush") criticized for undermining creativity. Hugh Grant joins backlash. #Apple #iPadPro
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Apple Apologizes for 2024 iPad Pro 'Crush' Ad

Apple display showcasing new iPad Pro models amidst controversy surrounding the "Crush" ad campaign
Image: Apple

A great gesture by the tech giant一 Apple has finally issued an apology statement on its "Crush" ad. After massive criticism of its new iPad Commercial Ad, Apple admitted its mistake and gave statement to AdAge, stating that its ad "Missed The Mark".

Earlier Tuesday, Apple in its first 2024 event 一 Let Loose finally gave a refresh to its iPad World and introduces its M4 powered iPad Pro, M2 iPad Air, and new Apple Pencil Pro. After the event was aired, the one thing it gave us was its premium devices. But, the Silicon giant faces a huge backlash over its iPad Pro commercial Ad. The netizen's criticism hit the tech world by storm and put the 'Silicon giant' in hot water. Even the famous Hollywood Star Hugh John Mungo Grant also takes the company with great criticism and said "Destruction of the human experience. Courtesy of Silicon Valley".

After days of criticism, Apple's vice president of marketing said in a statement to Ad Age, "Our goal is to always celebrate the myriad of ways users express themselves and bring their ideas to life through iPad". He further added, "We missed the mark with this video, and we’re sorry.” It also won’t air the ad on TV".

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