Google Veo: Create Stunning AI Videos in Minutes (Text-to-Video)

Generate high-definition videos with just text prompts. Perfect for YouTubers & social media content creators. Sign up for VideoFX to try!
Estimated read time: 2 min

Google Veo: Create Stunning AI Videos in Minutes (Text-to-Video)

Image: Kinghacks365

A cutting-edge development in the AI ​​world―Google has unveiled a new and cutting-edge video generation model for how we create video content. These new tools are available to use right now by signing up to VideoFX.

Alphabet Inc company Google announced new tools at its latest event Google I/O which is fully dedicated to AI development. Veo is capable of creating stunning, high-definition (1080p) video by simply giving a text prompt. It seems to be an answer version of its competitor OpenAI Sora AI generative model. Google View offers a variety of options for creating videos, from whimsical animations to photorealistic documents. The exciting thing about this new tool is that you will be able to stretch your video to 60 seconds and is a paradise for short content creators on social media platforms.

The new Veo AI model is also capable of cre    ating video with a wide range of "cinematic effects, such as time-lapse or landscape aerial shots." The company Google also shared a quick example, "Timelapse of the northern lights dancing across the Arctic sky, stars twinkling, snow-covered landscape."  The result shows an exceptionally high contrast and subtle details.

These new AI tools have the potential to democratize video, allowing professional-quality content to reach a wider audience. The VEO model allowed filmmakers and YouTubers to define their visual studies in an unusual way. 

How to access and use Veo

Google's Veo is currently limited to access via VideoFX. To use this new tool, all you need to do is sign up with VideoFX at After successful login, you will need to join the waiting list. After a few weeks, some features of this new tool will be available to selected creators from the waiting list. Google also has some future plans to bring it to the video platform, "In the future, we'll also bring some of Veo's capabilities to YouTube Shorts and other products".

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