OpenAI launches new powerful GPT-4o version: Faster Image & Voice Input Prompts

Discover OpenAI's new GPT-4o: Faster image & voice input, twice the speed of GPT-4 Turbo. Available now for all ChatGPT users!
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OpenAI launches new powerful GPT-4o version: Faster Image & Voice Input Prompts

OpenAI's new GPT-4o language model with faster image and voice input processing
Image: OpenAI

A Major Innovation in the AI World 一 OpenAI has unveiled a new faster and more powerful version of its ChatGPT version, GPT-4o, which expands the capabilities of its AI models. This new version is the latest version of the OpenAI platform which is faster, cheaper, and has higher rate limit.

OpenAI CTO Meera Murthy announced the new flagship model in a live stream on Monday and said the updated model comes with better and better "capabilities in text, vision and audio." The company claims that this new model is 2x faster than the GPT-4 Turbo, meaning it is designed to handle tasks twice as fast as the previous model, resulting in superior performance for users.

The main and focused area where the new version is focused on is providing the user with faster processing and accuracy. The AI giant also claims that its new " GPT-4o vision capabilities perform better than GPT-4 Turbo in evals related to vision capabilities ". A feature that has raised the eyebrows of many other rival tech companies is better voice input. The 2x speed of understanding language input is key where the company is focused. 

Surprisingly, in the main live event stream translation example, it performs very well, a nightmare for Samsung's Galaxy AI translation feature. Even popular tech YouTuber "Arun Maini" on X express concern over the feature for the South Korean giant, saying “It’s actually kind of mad seeing how smooth it handles translation, puts Samsungs recent AI translation feature to shame lol." The Voice Prompt feature will be available in iterations, with only the picture and text capabilities being rolled out today.

OpenAI seems to have taken user feedback seriously to bring its AI capabilities to all users with voice and image command prompts, similar to those provided by other rival AI companies Copilot, and Google Gemini. OpenaI CEO Sam Altman recently posted on X, “it is available to all ChatGPT users, including on the free plan! so far, GPT-4 class models have only been available to people who pay a monthly subscription". He further added," this is important to our mission; we want to put great AI tools in the hands of everyone".

How to access and use GPT-4o

This new version of GPT-4o is much easier to access and use for both developers and general users.
  • API Access: This advanced version is available through the OpenAI API with various integration options.
  • Chat GPT: For free tier users, GPT-4o can be accessed but with limited usage of the number of messages they can send, after exceeding the limit, reverted to GPT-3.5 will go "ChatGPT Plus and Team subscribers have access to GPT-4 and GPT-4o on with a wide range of uses," reads a blog post.
Enterprise users need to wait a little longer, as it will soon be able to access GPT-4o.

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