Samsung Ridiculed Apple Crush Ad in "UnCrush" Tab S9 video

Samsung mocks Apple's controversial Crush Ad with new 'Uncrush' Tab S9 video. Discover the clever marketing twist and consumer reactions.
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 Samsung Ridiculed Apple Crush Ad in "UnCrush" Tab S9 video

Samsung's 'Uncrush' ad featuring a woman playing a guitar with the message 'Creativity cannot be crushed
Image: Samsung

In a recent strategic marketing move, Samsung aimed to mock rival Apple's controversial "Crush Ad." Both companies always play a job in their marketing, which the tech world loves. The South Korean giant pokes fun at Apple's Crush ad with its "UnCrush" campaign.

Recently, Apple hosted its first 2024 event, LetLoose, which aired and went along with the introduction of its premium devices. The M4-powered iPad Pro is also one to join this new unveiling parade. But a surprising blunder by the silicon giant landed their campaign in hot water. The controversial Crush Ad to introduce its thinnest iPad ever featured a giant industrial press crushing various tools, a record player, a paint palette, a typewriter. All culminating in the new iPad Pro emerging from the wreckage.

But the creative ad backfired, with netizens slamming the ad's creators of Crush Ad, with even famous Hollywood star Hugh John Mungo Grant expressing his criticism by using term on X "the destruction of the human experience, courtesy of Silicon Valley".  After the heavy criticism, Apple apologized for its crush ad and used the term "missed the mark".

The matter seems to have cooled down now, but today Samsung re-heated the conversation with a unique marketing strategy. The South Korean giant trolled Apple for its Crushed ad by introducing a new Uncrushed ad that directly references Apple's advertising images. The Samsung ad shows a girl walking through a field of rubble, picking up a slightly battered guitar, and sitting on a slate with crushed paint, similar to the silicon giant's display in the ad. She then uses a Galaxy Tab S9 to continue displaying and playing music. The ad ends with the nail-biting tagline "Creativity cannot be crushed" and promotes the Tab S9 as well as its Galaxy AI.

Ultimately, the consumer will decide who will win this marketing battle. But one thing is sure that both the rival companies will test by the tech world with its premium and advanced devices. Rather, this new ad rivalry is a fun reminder of the competitive spirit in the tech industry, which encourages coming up with new features that consumers will love.

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