How to upload file directly from Google Drive and OneDrive to ChatGPT

Learn how to upload files directly from Google Drive and OneDrive to ChatGPT for seamless data analysis. Enhance productivity with this new feature.
Estimated read time: 2 min

How to upload file directly from Google Drive and OneDrive to ChatGPT

ChatGPT interface displaying examples, capabilities, and limitations.
Image: Emiliano Vittoriosi / Unsplash

Tired of downloading files to analyze them in ChatGPT? do not worry! As OpenAI continues to enhance its ChatBot for seamless integration with popular cloud storage platforms. Great news for these users, as ChatGPT has announced a new update for its ChatGPT Plus, Team, Enterprise users, and the newly introduced GPT-4o users, allowing them to easily upload their files directly from Google Drive and One Drive to ChatGPT.

In a company blog post, OpenAI announced a new improvement to its latest AI chatbot ChatGPT, and called it "Data Analysis Improvements in ChatGPT". It seems that this new addition is purely to provide the user with a streamlined flow in their files and save his valuable time and effort. This exciting feature of direct upload empowers Chat GPT to analyze data more efficiently.

"Instead of downloading files to your desktop and then uploading them to ChatGPT, you can now add various file types directly from your Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive",as one blog reads. It further reads, "This allows ChatGPT to understand your Google Sheets, Docs, Slides, and Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint files more quickly".

Steps to Upload Files from Google Drive & OneDrive to ChatGPT

Here are the easiest steps to upload your desired documents directly to ChatGPT by AI giant OpenAI, from storage platforms 一Google Drive and OneDrive.

  • Log in to your ChatGPT account.
  • During your ChatGPT session, now go to "File Upload" option.
  • Now select your desired storage platform from the options一 either connect to Google Drive or connect to Microsoft OneDrive. You can also upload from your computer.
  • Now just select an account to sign in and hit the Allow option to give access to your account.
  • Select the file you want from the "Select a file" interface.
  • Now you just type a prompt for your desired file and hit the generate button.

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