OpenAI Removes Scarlett Johansson-Like Voice from ChatGPT: Here's Why

OpenAI pauses "Scarlett Johansson" voice in ChatGPT. Legal concerns? New voices coming!
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OpenAI Removes Scarlett Johansson-Like Voice from ChatGPT: Here's Why 

Scarlett Johansson attends the 2020 Vanity Fair Oscar Party hosted by Radhika Jones at Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on February 09, 2020 in Beverly Hills, California.
 Image: GettyImages

OpenAI, the research company behind the popular ChatGPT language model, recently announced it's pausing the use of a specific voice option called "Sky." This decision comes after users widely compared Sky's voice to that of actress Scarlett Johansson, particularly her character Samantha in the sci-fi film "Her."

Why Did OpenAI Remove the Voice?

Recently, a week ago, AI giant OpenAI introduced a new and improved version of its ChatBot 一 GPT-4o, a faster, cheaper, and higher rate limiter. The main focus point of this new version was its voice input processing. This new version provides real-time voice translation to the user which has made this Sky feature much more prominent.

OpenAI maintains that Sky was never intended to mimic a celebrity. In a blog post, they emphasized their commitment to using voices that are "approachable" and build trust, rather than impersonate well-known figures.

However, the comparisons were undeniable. Sky's breathy, conversational tone and the playful way it interacted during demos sparked user discussions about its resemblance to Johansson. CEO Altman also seems to be aware of her resemblance to Scarlet Johnson, so he may have posted the word "her" on X after her event. The latest move by OpenAI aims to potentially avoid any potential legal issues or complications regarding celebrity voice rights.

OpenAI on the Sky Voice:

According to OpenAI latest blog,  "Sky" was voiced by a professional actress using her natural speaking voice. They respect the privacy of their voice talent and will not be disclosing the actress's name. The company is also trying to get users to consider its 'Voice Mode' testing phase and for this, it uses the prominent term in the blog post, " We worked with industry-leading casting and directing professionals to narrow down over 400 submissions before selecting the 5 voices".

The OpenAI further added,
An internal team at OpenAI reviewed the voices from a product and research perspective, and after careful consideration, the voices for Breeze, Cove, Ember, Juniper and Sky were finally selected.”

The Future of Voice in AI

This episode highlights the growing importance of voice selection in AI interactions.  As AI technology advances, users will likely have more control over the voice used by their chatbots or virtual assistants. OpenAI assures users that new voice options are coming soon for ChatGPT Plus users.

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