Twitter is now officially rebranded to

Twitter is officially REBRANDED! Say goodbye to tweets & hello to posts on Elon Musk's vision for the future of social media is here.
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 Twitter is now officially rebranded to

Close-up of a phone screen showing the app. The app has a white X logo on a black background and displays a rating of 4.6 stars
Image: Kinghacks365

The era of Twitter is over! Following Elon Musk's takeover in 2022, Twitter is now officially The move marks a commitment to Musk's vision for the social media platform.

Back in July 2023, when Musk changed the name and logo to 一X, the technical URL and domain remained the same for a year. Today, X finally completed its transition from the old Twitter platform, moving all of its domains and subdomains to When we tried to open X (formerly known as Twitter) last night, we noticed a change in the website URL. The first message displayed after the landing page loads is, “Welcome to! We are letting you know that we are changing our URL, but your privacy and data protection settings remain the same”.

Last night, Elon Musk also shared this new rebrandation news on its social media platform. has always been close to Musk's heart for a long time. The new domain is a continuation of Musk's earlier projects, notably his creation of, which later became PayPal. After 2022, Elon Musk-owned Twitter brought various features to the platform, live video spaces is now available on X, audio and video call feature for iOS. So this rebranding is the final step in the transition from Twitter to X, but there will still be exciting new features coming in the coming months.

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