Get Ready for a Big One: Samsung's One UI 7.0 Leaks Hint at Massive Design Revamp

Samsung's One UI 7.0 leaks hint at a massive design overhaul with a new UI, revamped app icons, and a possible vertical app drawer (Android 15).
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Get Ready for a Big One: Samsung's One UI 7.0 Leaks Hint at Massive Design Revamp

Samsung Galaxy phone displaying the One UI interface
One UI 6.1 / Samsung

For over three years, Samsung's One UI interface hasn't seen a major overhaul. But according to a recent leak from reliable tipster IceUniverse on their official X account, things are about to change in a big way. Buckle up, because One UI 7.0 might be the most significant design update Samsung's ever delivered, potentially featuring a completely new UI design and revamped app icons.

Aesthetics Take Center Stage

Traditionally, Samsung updates its icon designs every five years or so. However, IceUniverse suggests One UI 7.0 will break this cycle, introducing a fresh icon language alongside the broader UI refresh. This signifies a significant shift for Samsung, potentially delighting users who crave a more modern aesthetic.

Beyond Icons: What Else to Expect

The rumors don't stop there. Previous reports hint at a possible vertical app drawer in One UI 7.0, further shaking things up for Galaxy users. While the official rollout strategy remains unconfirmed, whispers suggest a beta program kicking off in the next two months, likely starting with the Galaxy S24 series. Following successful beta testing, a public release could arrive in October or November of this year for compatible Galaxy devices.

Get Ready for a New Look and Feel

With Android 15 as its foundation, One UI 7.0 promises a major leap forward for Samsung's user interface. From a potentially brand-new UI design to revamped app icons and the possibility of a vertical app drawer, One UI 7.0 seems poised to deliver a fresh and exciting experience for Galaxy users. Stay tuned for further updates as we inch closer to the official announcement!


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