Upgrade Your Calls: WhatsApp Revamps Calling Interface on iOS

WhatsApp rolls out a new, user-friendly calling interface on iOS! Bigger profile pics, improved button visibility, and a modern design - update now!
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Upgrade Your Calls: WhatsApp Revamps Calling Interface on iOS

WhatsApp Revamps Calling Interface with a Sleeker Bottom Bar now available for everyone.

Close-up of a hand holding a smartphone with the WhatsApp logo visible on the screen. This image depicts the recent update to WhatsApp's calling interface on iOS devices

Dimitri Karastelev / Unsplash

Exciting news for iPhone users who rely on WhatsApp for calls! A recent update (version 24.14.78) brings a much-anticipated revamp to the calling interface, even though the official changelog remains silent on this new feature.The news comes courtesy of WABetaInfo, a well-known source for tracking WhatsApp updates. 

While we previously reported on WhatsApp testing a new bottom calling bar for Android users, this update delivers a similar upgrade for iOS. This revamped interface focuses on enhancing the overall user experience during calls. Here's a breakdown of the changes:

Screenshot of the iPhone WhatsApp calling screen showcasing the new interface.

  • Revamped Bottom Bar: The update streamlines the bottom bar on the calling screen, offering a cleaner and more modern look.
  • Enlarged Profile Pictures: Say goodbye to tiny profile pics! This update increases the size of your contact's profile picture, making it easier to identify who you're calling.
  • Improved Button Visibility: WhatsApp has implemented a semi-transparent background at the top of the screen, ensuring better visibility for call buttons like mute, speaker, and end call.

These subtle changes combine to create a more intuitive and user-friendly calling experience. It's clear that WhatsApp is committed to keeping its platform modern and user-friendly through regular updates.

What if I Don't See the Update?

While the update is rolling out widely, it might not be available to everyone immediately. Here's what you can do:

  • Check for Updates: Head to the App Store and ensure you have the latest version of WhatsApp installed.
  • Patience is Key: The update might reach your account within the coming weeks, even if not reflected in the official changelog.
  • Stay Updated, Stay Ahead: Regularly updating WhatsApp through the App Store and TestFlight (if you're a beta tester) ensures you receive the latest features and bug fixes.

This proactive approach keeps you equipped with the most advanced features WhatsApp has to offer. So, update your app and enjoy the improved calling experience with the new bottom bar!


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