Desktop Chrome is Getting Its Own Circle to Search: What to Expect

Chrome's Circle to Search is coming to desktop! Experience the future of search with Google Lens integration, multisearch, and AI-powered results.
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Desktop Chrome is Getting Its Own Circle to Search: What to Expect

This feature will be available in upcoming days.

Chrome browser with Forkfuls of Flavor website, showcasing food photography and product recommendations using Google Lens Circle to search.
Illustration of  "Google Circle to Search" on Chrome Desktop by TechBird. Screenshot: Google

Google's groundbreaking Circle to Search, initially unveiled for Samsung's S24 and subsequently expanded to Android, is set to revolutionize desktop browsing. The feature, slated for an imminent Chrome release, integrates seamlessly with Google Lens, transforming the way you interact with visual content online.

By introducing a dedicated Circle to Search button within the Chrome search bar, Google empowers you to effortlessly select and explore image-based queries. The magic happens in a convenient sidebar, where multisearch - a combination of text and image-based searches - becomes a reality.

This innovative approach eliminates the need for multiple tabs or complex workarounds, streamlining the search process and enhancing your experience. While Google Lens has been accessible on desktop Chrome for some time, the new button and multisearch functionality mark a significant leap forward.

The beauty of this update lies in its efficiency. You can explore visual content without the hassle of switching tabs or performing separate searches. While Google Lens has been accessible via right-clicks or the three-dot menu on desktop Chrome, the upcoming integration into the search bar and the introduction of multi-search marks a significant step forward.

To illustrate the power of this new feature, Google shared a GIF showcasing a user identifying a plant using Google Lens in Chrome:

A gif showing a new feature "Circle to Search" on Desktop Chrome for extracting data about Plant
Gif: Google

"You can use Google Lens in Chrome desktop to learn more about a plant. Google Lens recognizes that the plant in the picture is a Swiss cheese plant, also known as a Monstera. When you ask an in-depth follow up question, you may see an AI Overview in the side panel to learn more," explained Chrome VP Parisa Tabriz.

Google also demonstrated the versatility of Lens in another GIF, highlighting its ability to extract information from text within images:

"You can use Google Lens to select text from a video lecture, like a math equation, and quickly get a description in the Chrome side panel to learn more about it," added Tabriz in the same blog post.

A Gif showing a new "Circle to Search" feature  on Desktop Chrome for extracting text from the youtube video.
Gif: Google

As Chrome VP Parisa Tabriz announced, this game-changing update is poised to roll out globally in the coming days. Prepare to redefine your search experience with Chrome's upcoming Circle to Search integration.

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