Microsoft's Copilot Key: A New Way to Launch Apps on Windows 11

Discover how Microsoft's Copilot key streamlines app launch on Windows 11. Customize the key and boost productivity.
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Microsoft's Copilot Key: A New Way to Launch Apps on Windows 11

This new feature will soon be available for Windows 11 users

Copilot key on a keyboard, showcasing the colorful logo.
Image: Microsoft

Microsoft has taken a significant step towards enhancing your experience on Windows 11 with the introduction of the Copilot key. This innovative feature, first seen on new laptops and keyboards, offers a convenient and efficient way to access and launch applications.

Customization at Your Fingertips

While initially designed to launch Microsoft's Copilot app, the company has now unveiled plans in its latest blog post, to allow you to personalize the Copilot key's functionality. In a recent beta update ( Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22635.4225 (KB5043186) to the Beta Channel), Windows 11 users can now customize the key to launch any MSIX-packaged and signed app. This ensures that the apps you choose to access with a simple keystroke meet stringent security and privacy standards.

Windows 11 settings screen showing the option to customize the Copilot key.
Image: Microsoft

A Leap Forward in Keyboard Technology

The Copilot key marks a groundbreaking advancement in keyboard design, marking the first major innovation in Windows keyboards in three decades. This feature aligns with Microsoft's broader strategy to promote its AI assistant, Copilot, and encourage you to explore its capabilities.

The Evolution of Copilot

While the Copilot key has been a welcome addition, Microsoft's approach to Copilot has faced some challenges. The company's decision to transition Copilot into a web app in the 24H2 update to Windows 11 has led to some limitations. The web app version no longer integrates seamlessly with Windows 11 settings, reducing its versatility.

Looking Ahead

As the Copilot key customization feature becomes available to a wider audience in the coming months, it's exciting to anticipate how you will leverage this new tool to streamline your workflow. Microsoft's commitment to enhancing user experience and embracing AI-powered solutions positions the Copilot key as a pivotal feature in the future of Windows.

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