WhatsApp's Latest Surprise: Messaging Across Apps Made Easy

WhatsApp revolutionized! Meta's new feature lets you message across apps. Enjoy unified inboxes & rich features.
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WhatsApp's Latest Surprise: Messaging Across Apps Made Easy 

Meta Unveils Plans for Interoperable Messaging on WhatsApp and Messenger

WhatsApp settings menu showing new option to set up third-party chats
Image: Meta

In a groundbreaking move, Meta has finally revealed its plans to integrate third-party chats into WhatsApp and Messenger. This significant development, initially slated for users in the European Union, introduces a new era of interoperability in messaging apps.

Key Features and Timeline:

WhatsApp settings: Choose between combined or separate inboxes for third-party chats
Image: Meta

  • Unified Inbox: Users will have the flexibility to consolidate Messenger and WhatsApp messages with third-party chats into a single inbox or maintain separate inboxes.
  • Enhanced Notifications: New notifications will alert users when they can link chats from newly supported apps.
  • Rich Messaging Features: Meta promises a seamless experience with features like reactions, direct replies, typing indicators, and read receipts.
  • Group Chats: The ability to create groups with users from third-party chats will be introduced in 2025.
  • Video and Voice Calls: Meta plans to extend interoperability to video and voice calls by 2027.

Compliance with EU Regulations:

As a "digital gatekeeper" under the EU's Digital Markets Act, Meta is obligated to ensure interoperability between its messaging platforms and third-party apps. This initiative aligns with the EU's efforts to promote competition and consumer choice in the digital market.

Technical Challenges and Solutions:

While the integration of third-party chats presents technical challenges, Meta has addressed them by:

  • Adopting the Signal Protocol: Ensuring privacy and security by requiring third-party apps to use the same protocol as WhatsApp and Messenger.
  • Making Signal Protocol Accessible: Providing the Signal Protocol to interested partners upon request.

The Future of Messaging:

Meta's announcement marks a significant step towards a more interconnected and unified messaging ecosystem. By breaking down barriers between different platforms, users can enjoy a more seamless and convenient communication experience. As Meta continues to refine and expand its interoperability features, we can anticipate a future where messaging is truly borderless.

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