Microsoft makes file sharing easier with a new 'drag tray' in Windows 11

Windows 11 file sharing just got easier! Discover the new UI tray & drag-and-drop features in Insider Build 22635.4950. Streamlined sharing now!
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Microsoft makes file sharing easier with a new 'drag tray' in Windows 11

A new drag tray will appear on the top whenever you select a file to share from File Explorer or the desktop on Windows 11.

Stylized Windows symbol surrounded by computer, tablet, and monitor icons

In the ever-evolving landscape of operating systems, user experience remains king. Microsoft is demonstrably prioritizing an optimal user journey. The company has recently rolled out an update to its Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22635.4950 for beta users, introducing a refined 'drag tray' feature that promises to simplify file sharing with other applications directly from File Explorer.

The core of this preview build's appeal lies in the innovative 'drag tray' functionality. This represents a significant evolution from the traditional drag-and-drop method, which often involved navigating to the target application post-file selection. Microsoft has strategically positioned this dynamic tray at the top of the screen, activating whenever a file is dragged from File Explorer or the desktop.

Screenshot of Windows 11 File Explorer with the "Drag here to share" UI tray at the top.
Gif: Microsoft

This tray intelligently curates a selection of relevant applications, enabling users to seamlessly drop their files into the desired destination. Whether it's sharing a document via email, sending a photo through a messaging application, or simply organizing files between folders, this feature noticeably streamlines the workflow. For those seeking advanced options, the 'More...' button provides direct access to the familiar Windows share window. This enhanced approach reduces friction and enhances efficiency, making file sharing a more intuitive and fluid experience.
Screenshot of redesigned Windows 11 Start menu showing categorized applications
New Category view of All apps in the Start Menu of Windows 11. Image: Microsoft

This refined feature is poised to significantly enhance the file-sharing experience within Windows 11. This update is a valuable addition to the Windows 11 user ecosystem. Alongside this enhancement, the Windows 11 Preview Build also introduces a redesigned layout for applications within the Start menu. It presents two new organizational views: grid view and category view. In grid view, applications are presented in alphabetical order for quick access, while category view, as the name suggests, categorizes applications based on usage patterns, such as grouping social media applications like Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp into a dedicated section.

It's crucial to acknowledge that this update is currently exclusive to beta developers and has not yet been deployed to the broader public. Following a period of user feedback collection and refinement, it is anticipated that these features will be made available to all users in the coming weeks. This phased rollout is a standard practice employed by most technology companies. 

We will continue to monitor the progress of these features and provide updates as they become available to the general public.

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