Galaxy S25 Edge

Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge battery capacity revealed via certification

Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge battery capacity revealed via certification The Galaxy S25 Edge is rumored to feature a 3900 mAh battery, as indicated by its…

Samsung promises Galaxy S25 Edge durability despite slim design

Samsung promises Galaxy S25 Edge durability despite slim design The upcoming Galaxy S25 Edge may utilize an innovative new ceramic material. Image: S…

Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge first hands-on video leaked - Here's how thin it looks

Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge first hands-on video leaked - Here's how thin it looks The leaked video indicates the Galaxy S25 Edge has a thickness of …

The Surprise Announcement: Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge Revealed

The Surprise Announcement: Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge Revealed At Unpacked 2025, Samsung teased a thinner and sleeker 'Galaxy S25 Edge,' not an …
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