Will Instagram add a “dislike” button for comments? Test spotted

Instagram is testing a "dislike" button for comments! How will it impact comment ranking? Learn more. #Instagram #DislikeButton
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Will Instagram add a “dislike” button for comments? Test spotted

The new dislike button will influence comment ranking, pushing disliked comments lower on Reels and posts.

Instagram logo, representing the platform where a dislike button for comments is being tested.

Instagram is exploring a new way for users to interact with comments: a "dislike" button.  Currently in testing, this potential feature has been spotted by eagle-eyed users and confirmed by Instagram officials.

In a recent clarification on Threads, Instagram head Adam Mosseri addressed the ongoing test. He emphasized that the dislike button is just that—a test—and that it doesn't currently track a dislike count, nor will other users know if you've tapped it. Mosseri explained that the primary goal is to potentially use this feedback to prioritize relevant and positive comments while pushing less constructive or inappropriate comments further down.

"I want to be clear: this is a test," Mosseri stated. "There is no dislike count, nor will anyone know if you tap the button. Eventually, we may integrate this signal into comments ranking to move disliked comments lower down. Our hope is that this might help make comments more friendly on Instagram."

This approach echoes a feature familiar to Reddit users, where downvotes help filter and surface quality comments.  The key question remains whether Instagram will adopt a similar, potentially stricter, approach to comment moderation, particularly regarding spam, as Reddit.  It will be interesting to see how Instagram balances free expression with community standards.

This potential "dislike" button isn't the only recent update from Instagram.  The platform has also expanded the length of Reels videos to 3 minutes and introduced a new "Highlights" feature for Stories, demonstrating Instagram's ongoing commitment to enhancing user experience and providing creators with more tools.

As this feature is still under testing, its wider release remains uncertain. We will, of course, keep you updated on any further developments and official announcements from Instagram regarding the "dislike" button and other new features.  

Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

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