Instagram now lets you post 3 minute long reels

Instagram Reels now support 3-minute videos! Meta extends the limit to compete with TikTok & YouTube Shorts. New AI editing tools & downloads too!
Estimated read time: 1 min

Instagram now lets you post 3 minute long reels

Instagram introduced this feature around the time of the anticipated TikTok ban in the United States.

Screenshot showing Instagram's announcement of 3-minute Reels.

In a recent announcement, Meta, Instagram's parent company, increased the Reel limit to 3 minutes, up from the previous 90 seconds. This change now caters to users who want to share longer content on Instagram.

Instagram head Adam Mosseri shared the update via his official Instagram account and credited user feedback, stating, "But we've heard feedback that it's too short for people who want to share longer stories." This move appears to be a tactic to engage more creators, coinciding with a potential TikTok ban in the US (though the ban was temporarily delayed for 90 days).

This change also represents a shift for Instagram. When the platform launched Reels in 2020, it was promoted as "a new way to create and discover short, entertaining videos on Instagram," emphasizing short-form videos. In the recent past, Instagram even instructed creators to keep Reels under 90 seconds to avoid negatively impacting distribution.

TikTok was the first to introduce 3-minute videos in 2021. Last October, YouTube also introduced 3-minute "Shorts" to all users. Thus, Instagram's move allows it to remain competitive. With the potential absence of TikTok in the US after the 90-day period, Meta's subsidiary aims to provide users with an alternative platform for video content creation.

Along with this update, Instagram recently introduced new AI-powered editing tools for Reels and videos, powered by MovieGen. The platform also introduced a new feature that allows users to easily download Reels within the app, eliminating the need for third-party apps. These updates reflect Meta's dedication to simplicity and a user-friendly interface.

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