
Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra Design Leak: Ditches the Box, Embraces Curves

Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra Design Leak: Ditches the Box, Embraces Curves  The cruved design looks similar to the Galaxy Note 7. Silver Samsung Galaxy S…

Samsung Unpacked 2024: Galaxy Z Fold6, Flip6, & Ring Launch Confirmed for July 10th!

Samsung Unpacked 2024: Galaxy Z Fold6, Flip6, & Ring Launch Confirmed for July 10th! Galaxy AI will be the main highlight of July's Unpacked …

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 EU Price Rumors: More Expensive?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 EU Price Rumors: More Expensive? The Galaxy Flip 6 will cost €150 more than the Galaxy Flip 5 in Europe. OnLeaks/SmartPrix J…
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