iPhone 15 pro max: Apple rolls out iOS 17 fix over to tackle heating issue

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iPhone 15 pro max: Apple rolls out iOS 17 fix over to tackle heating issue

iOS 17.0.3 update comes with overheating and other security bug fixes.

iPhone 15 Pro Max: Apple iOS 17 Update Addresses Heating Issue

Apple rolls out a new iOS 17.0.3 update to overcome the overheating issue after iOS 17 update for iPhone users especially for iPhone 15 pro and iPhone 15 pro max models. Some iPhone 15 pro users complaining the overheating issues 一 Apple claims that there is a bug issue and some third party apps cause overheating.

iOS 17 components

iOS 17.0.3 update size is 423.2MB in size and this update has two parts 一 Firstly, this update comes for security bugs 一kernel exploits security risk for iOS 16. Second part is related to the buffer flow issue which leads to libvpx bug.

Read more: How to make a Contact Poster in iOS 17

Fix Overheating issue 

The most awaited part for the iOS users is the overheating issue 一 also resolved by Apple in this iOS update. Apple claims that this overheating issue did not make a risk for users and it is not a design issue, because some authors suggested that this issue was due to changing the design of aluminum steel to Titanium steel. But also blamed new updates of third party apps including Instagram and Uber for causing an overheating issue.

How to download iOS 17.0.3 update

Apple will automatically notify you about the update when it comes to your mobile. For downloading the update manually  Go to Settings> General> About> Software Update on your phone. When your phone is updated, you will definitely enjoy the richness of your mobile without the overheating problem.

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