X rolls out audio and video calling for iOS

Discover the latest update from X, as they introduce audio and video calling for iOS users. Stay connected and enjoy seamless communication on iOS
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X rolls out audio and video calling for iOS

Premium subscribers of X will be able to make audio and video calls

X rolls out audio and video calling for iOS
Image: GettyImages

Main Key points:

  • X video and audio calling set as default for iOS.
  • Premium subscription users will be able to make calls.
  • Users can also control, who can call.
  • X promised to release "video and audio calling" soon for Android.

Earlier today, X (previously known as Twitter),  rolled out audio and video calling for some users. Elon Musk announced this feature through its official Twitter handle. Elon Musk after buying Twitter brought drastic changes ー verified premium subscription and name change are the main highlight changes.

Previously in August, Musk announced that users could call audio and video without a phone number 一 Now, Musk shared a post on X described this feature "Early version of video and audio calling on X". Post shows how to enable video and audio call on X.

According to the X help center, only premium subscribers of 8$ per month will be able to make audio and video calls一 but other users will just able to receive the calls. As Musk pushes for an X to make it an "everything app", this feature will work the same as other social media platform calling system works. The calling feature requires to send at least one direct message before call.

Read: iOS 17.1 set to release on October 24

Users also have an option to control who can call them. X audio and video calling features provide the same management options provided by other social media platforms一Mute or unmute the microphone, put audio to the speaker, and switch the front or back camera by pressing respective buttons. Users will be able to block anyone from calling.

As for now, it is just available as a default for iOS but X promised to launch soon for Android also. Stay connected to get more details about new features

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