Social Media

TikTok is now back on Google Play and the App Store in the US

TikTok is now back on Google Play and the App Store in the US TikTok is now available for download on Google Play and the App Store for Android and i…

Never Miss a Story Again: Instagram's New Highlight Feature

Never Miss a Story Again: Instagram's New Highlight Feature You must view all current Stories in your Instagram Stories tray before unseen Story …

Thread's next update will bring a new search feature for easier navigation

Thread's next update will bring a new search feature for easier navigation This new search by post and date feature will be available in the comi…

WhatsApp's New Privacy Feature: Chat Without Sharing Your Number

WhatsApp's New Privacy Feature: Chat Without Sharing Your Number This username feature is currently available for Android Beta users.  Image: WAB…

WhatsApp Soon Gets Instagram Upgrade: Double Tap Reactions

WhatsApp Soon Gets Instagram Upgrade: Double Tap Reactions Meta's Messaging Giant Takes a Cue from Instagram Alfredo Rivera / Pixabay WhatsApp, t…

WhatsApp Introduces New Screenshot Restriction Feature for iOS users

WhatsApp Introduces New Screenshot Restriction Feature for iOS users Image: AARN GIRI / Unsplash An innovative move towards enhancing the security of…

Meta's AI is now available on Instagram

Meta's AI is now available on Instagram Gif: Meta A new contender in the AI's World 一 Meta's AI, Meta introduced a free AI assistant tod…

Instagram enables users to share reels and posts with 'Close Friends' Only

Instagram enables users to share reels and posts with 'Close Friends' Only People in the Close Friends list can see likes and comments on pos…

WhatsApp introduced a new way to voice chat with large groups

WhatsApp introduced a new way to voice chat with large groups Groups of more than 33 people will use this voice chat feature Image: WhatsApp   WhatsA…

Instagram Officially Testing a Feature to Turn Off Read Receipts in DMs

Instagram Officially Testing a Feature to Turn Off Read Receipts in DMs Users soon able to see message without sending Read receipts in chats  Image:…

WhatsApp introduces new "Pin Messages" feature for iOS

WhatsApp introduces new "Pin Messages" feature for iOS iOS users will able to pin messages in chats and groups for up to 30 days         …

WhatsApp working on "Alternate Profile": Everything you need to know

WhatsApp working on "Alternate Profile": Everything you need to know User soon able to set an alternate profile picture and name for limite…
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