iOS users now able to share pictures and videos in original quality on WhatsApp

Say goodbye to compressed images and videos! WhatsApp's new feature allows iOS users to share high-quality media directly. Discover how it works.
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iOS users now able to share pictures and videos in original quality on WhatsApp

iOS users now able to share pictures and videos in original quality on WhatsApp
 Image: Dimitri Karastelev / Unsplash

An exciting day for iOS users, WhatsApp has finally introduced the most awaited feature that allows users to send images and videos without any compression. Android users have already experienced this like-feature, but now iOS users can use it.

The Meta-owned messaging platform tested the feature for a while and released the update in beta in November, but it has now been rolled out to all general users. This latest iOS update for WhatsApp is slightly different from the previously added HD quality feature which doesn't fully compress the image but still slightly compresses the images to save more original quality and space. But this latest feature will give the user the option to send photos and videos as media files without any compression.

WhatsApp mentions in release notes this feature "will roll out over the coming weeks", so it may take some time to come to your device. The update's description does not mention when this update will roll out for Android, but still able to receive those media files from iOS.

How to send original quality pictures and videos on WhatsApp for iOS

To send images and video in high(original) quality, you need to follow these steps:
  • Open WhatsApp on iOS and go to the specific chat where you want to send media files.
  • Tap on the "+" button on the left corner of the chat.
  • Navigate to Document and hit Choose Photo or Video.
  • A preview of the image appears before tapping on the Send icon.
  • Once you've done these steps, your photo or video will be sent as a file, but you cannot preview it.
How to send original quality pictures and videos on WhatsApp for iOS.
Screenshot by Zeeshan Saleem / Tech Bird

Limitation of Size

 An important aspect to consider, WhatsApp sets a limit of 2 GB on files for sending without any compression, as a screenshot of the screen of chat suggests. So files一 such as 4k or 8k videos of large size will not be able to be sent due to size limitations.

Besides this, WhatsApp is also working on email verification for enhanced user privacy, This will just an addition of extra layer of security. When this update comes to the stable version, we will definitely post about this update.

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