WhatsApp rolls out email verification for enhanced security

WhatsApp introduces email verification for added security. Limited beta release, broader rollout soon. Stay updated for more WhatsApp features.
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WhatsApp rolls out email verification for enhanced security

Still limited to select beta testers, soon be released for other peoples

WhatsApp messaging app owned by Meta currently rolling out a new email verification feature for its users. In the recent past, messaging platforms rolled out different features for security enhancement. Although, the Meta-owned chat app is still encrypted this new feature will add an extra layer of security. A few months back, reports regarding that WhatsApp developers were testing email-based user verification, now it rolled out for beta testers.

This new feature will be an additional option to secure your WhatsApp and creating an account with a phone number remains the same as be a primary option. This is an extended feature of the Passkey feature rolled out a few weeks ago for the general public. As per reports by WABetaInfo, this feature is available under the WhatsApp Settings > Account >Email Address. An ideal user will absolutely link their account with email to successfully recover in case of stealing /loss of their phone.

Screenshot showing the new 'Email address' section in WhatsApp Settings, allowing users to associate an email address with their WhatsApp account
Image: WABetaInfo

As the screenshot shared by the update tracker site shows it will just add an extra layer of security for the WhatsApp account. A blur email dialogue box shown for Email confirms that other persons will not be able to read the email address. And probably, the verify button shows that email verification mail will be sent to the desired email address chosen by the user.

This feature is available for beta users who downloaded the latest WhatsApp beta version from the Google Play Store on Android and is expected to roll out for other general public in the few coming weeks. 

Besides this, WhatsApp is working on the Alternateprofile for enhanced user privacy. Users will be able to set a profile picture and name for selected audiences to add an enhanced layer of privacy. The Primary profile information will be available to user "contacts" only. This will provide an additional tool for securing the personal data of users on the messaging platform.

 Stay connected to get more updates about new WhatsApp features and upcoming updates news.

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