Generative AI Erase feature is now coming for Windows Photos

Say goodbye to photobombs! Windows Photos gets magical AI Erase feature like Pixels & Galaxy S24! Remove objects, shadows & more on Windows 10,11 free
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Generative AI Erase feature is now coming for Windows Photos 

Select the area want to remove and area will be removed from image
Gif: Windows

In this era of AI, every tech company is diving into the world of Generative AI. Now Windows also joins the parade of Generative AI Erase一 this is coming not only for Windows 11 but Windows 10 will also get this feature.

Windows announced this feature through its blog post in this cheering words "We’re excited to share with you our latest editing capability available for the Photos app, Generative erase", said Mala Srivatsa, Senior Product Manager.

Earlier, we first saw this magical generative AI Erase on Samsung Galaxy S24 and Google Pixels phones, but to experience this magical Ease AI feature, the mobile needs to be purchased. On the flip side, the Windows Generative AI Erase feature is similar to the Google Pixel phone's magic eraser, which removes objects, shadows and other annoying elements in photos and is fortunately now available on Windows 10 or higher.

To access this feature, Windows Insiders need to go to "Edit Photo" and select the "Erase" option. Now users can easily adjust brush size precisely and remove unwanted objects from images. Windows also shares a demo image of a dog before and after erasing the leash from a photo, as shown below.

Image of dog before and after erasing leash using Windows Photos App Generative AI Eerase  feature
Image: Windows

"This update is beginning to roll out to Windows Insiders in all channels today (including Windows Insiders on Windows 10 in the Release Preview Channel). Make sure to update your app to version number 2024.11020.21001.0 or higher", says Windows insiders team. In addition, Arm64 devices and Windows 10 internal users will also be able to use all AI Edit features including blur background, remove and change background.

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