Samsung Galaxy Ring is now official at MWC 2024

Samsung Galaxy Ring: Your stylish health tracker is here! Track sleep, heart rate, & more. 24/7 comfort, contactless payments. Coming soon! #MWC2024
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Samsung Galaxy Ring is now official at MWC 2024

Image of Silver Samsung Galaxy Ring
Image: Samsung

After a long rumor parade and teasing at an unpacked event, the Samsung Galaxy Ring finally made an appearance at the MWC 2024 event held in Spain today. An alternative for those who don't want to wear watches all the time for health fitness and measurement.

Earlier this year, Samsung did not provide the details about the Galaxy Ring at the unpacked event, but now we have more details. Galaxy Ring will come in 3 different colors 一platinum silver, ceramic black, and gold. The first Samsung Galaxy Smart Ring appeared in a slighter concave shape which is different from Oura's convex-shaped ring.

Although Samsung has not yet revealed the Galaxy Ring sensors suite, it is expected to come with the usual health sensor features such as other wearable supports such as tracks ECG, blood pressure, and snore count support. Tracks sleep as well as heart rate. Along with the health features, rumors claim that it will also support NFC and other contactless payments.

Dr.Hon Pak VP & Head of the Digital Health Team, at Samsung Electronics, in their blog said, "That’s why we’re thrilled to be introducing Samsung Galaxy Ring later this year — bringing Samsung’s accumulated innovations to the smallest form for comfortable 24/7 wear". So, our guess about the health and wellness feature is nearly pretty correct as he further added, "Galaxy Ring will offer users an all-new way to simplify everyday wellness, empowering them with greater insights and more ways to understand themselves day and night".

Image of Samsung Galaxy Ring on someone's finger during Sleep
Image: Samsung
Samsung revealed new two unique features 一 'My Vitality Score' for getting overall readiness of your health throughout the day. 'Booster Cards' provides actionable guidance or feedback on your health insights gathered through the Galaxy Ring. The actionable guidance like relaxation techniques for better sleep before going to bed.

Although the exact date of release is uncertain, it might be possible to release at the upcoming unpacked event in mid-July  along with Galaxy Flip 6 and Galaxy Fold 6 launch. The price tag is still not revealed, but it is expected to come between the price tag of other Samsung watches and Galaxy Fit 3(released recently).


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