WhatsApp Now Officially Rolled Out a New Improved Bottom Navigation Bar

WhatsApp revamps Android app with easier navigation! Get the details on the new bottom navigation bar and search bar position
Estimated read time: 2 min
Multiple Apps on Mobile
WhatsApp Bottom Navigation Bar一 Pexels

WhatsApp is constantly trying to keep the app user-friendly and in touch with the modern world by introducing innovative features 一 improved bottom Navigation Bar and the new position of the search bar are the latest steps in this direction.

After a year of testing, WhatsApp has finally introduced this feature for Android users. The Meta-owned messaging app announced the update via its official X handle (formerly known as Twitter). The post words, "closer to your thumb and easier on the eyes", makes sense, as today's mobile companies are constantly making their screen sizes bigger and bigger. This optimized position of the navigation bar provides a breath of relief from this important consideration and provides seamless and easy access to its parallel functions with just the thumb.

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Although, iOS users have already been experiencing this for a long time, it is slightly different on Android due to the specific "Settings" option and order on iOS. The new navigation bar on the Android layout consists of Chats, Updates, Communities, and Calls, where the "Status" section has now become "Updates". Along with this today, WhatsApp has also moved the search bar to the previous navigation position.

WhatsApp Interface Update: Search Bar Now Top, Navigation Bar at Bottom
WhatsApp Redesign: Search Bar Takes Top Stage

This change is available globally in the latest version of WhatsApp on Android. If it is not available on your mobile, then make sure your WhatsApp app's latest version is, if not then update the app from Google Play Store to enjoy this interesting design.

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