Apple's upcoming iOS 18 will be available on these iPhones

Unlock AI-powered iOS 18! See if your iPhone makes the cut (iPhone 11 & newer likely compatible)
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Apple's upcoming iOS 18 will be available on these iPhones

Check compatibility: Explore iPhones that will run iOS 18

We're still two months away from Apple's official introduction of iOS 18, but the internet is buzzing with rumors. Details about compatible devices for the upcoming iOS operating system are now available.

iOS 18 is expected to enter the global market in June with AI-powered capabilities. RCS, Smarter AI, and many other features are also interesting areas, but the main aspect of consumer concern is which devices will support this Biggest upgrade by Apple ever. According to reports, the A10 Fusion chipset models will not get this operating system update, as iOS 18 is expected to come with a larger language model and AI capabilities and this chipset is not capable of processing it.

iOS 18 Compatible iPhones

If you are excited to access the great features of iOS 18, make sure your iPhone device is present in the list that exactly matches iOS 17 compatible devices:

  • iPhone 15 Models
  • iPhone 14 Models
  • iPhone 13 Models
  • iPhone 12 Models
  • iPhone 11 Models
  • iPhone XS and XS Max
  • iPhone SE(2nd and 3rd Generation)
  • iPhone XR
Apple is expecting to drop support of iOS 18 to these devices:
  • iPhone X Models
  • iPhone 8 Models
  • iPhone 7 Models
  • iPhone 6 Models
  • iPhone 12 Models
  • iPhone SE (First Generation)
This list are completely based on rumors, so Apple might be add or remove some iPhone mdoels from the supporting devices. So keep in touch, we will definitely post it when it arrives.

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