Instagram Introduces Exciting New 'Reveal' Sticker for Stories

Unleash creativity with Instagram's new sticker pack! Engage friends with "Reveal," share music with "Add Yours," and express yourself with "Cutout"
Estimated read time: 3 min

Instagram Introduces Exciting 'New Reveal' Sticker for Stories

Closeup of phone screen displaying the Instagram "Reveal" sticker with text "new whip, who dis?" blurred out.
Image: Instagram

Exciting news! Instagram has taken its storytelling game to the next level. The social media platform introduces new story features to enhance the user experience. Reveal's new features gained attention as a new way to communicate with your friends.

Meta-owned messaging platform Instagram announced this new Reveal feature with other mighty features. When you add these features to your stories, they appear blurred, and when someone replies to your DM he will able to see it. The social media giant used the term "nifty sticker" for this update. These new features seems to be purely for engaging  more creators and users to spend more time on the platform, as according to Instagram head Adam Mosseri, teens spend more time in DMs than anywhere else on the platform.

This feature seems to act as a stepping stone for creators to engage more users. The new Reveal stickers can also play an exciting fun game between friends. You can also see how your story looks by clicking the "Preview" button.

Two mobile phones on a pink background. The left phone screen shows the Instagram "Add Yours" sticker.

Along with the Reveal sticker, Instagram has introduced a new and expanded version of the "Add Yours" sticker. This new functionality lets you add your music and make a chain by letting others add their own. From the user's point of view, this seems to be purely for making fun with your friends in a unique way. The one limit to this sticker is that music should be available in the Instagram music library.
To access the feature, you just need to tap on the stickers icon > Add your music > +/ Add music. After putting it in a story, other users can add their own by clicking the "Add Your Own" button.

Screenshot of the Instagram sticker creation menu, featuring the "Cutout" sticker option.
Image: Instagram

Instagram also added the new "Cutout" sticker into the new stickers suit. This new functionality lets you easily transform any video or photo of yours into a one-of-a-kind sticker. Once you create it, it will be added to your stickers tray. Now you can easily use it in the future either on Reels or stories. This is a sort of expressing your emotions more realistically. 

Image: Instagram

Instagram has revealed a new sticker called "Frame". This new sticker tool lets you add a frame to any photo, and as a result, it will turn into an instant print image. This new feature is very healthy for those who want to share their favorite moments with their loved ones. When you add a frame, you'll also be able to add an event and date to the frame. When your lover or a follower either taps on the shake to reveal button or shakes the mobile. They will be able to see the print image.

All these stickers are a healthy innovation in the social media world. The social media giant is always famous for bringing these mouthwatering features to their users. The addition of these new sticker suits is not the only one introduced in these months. Recently, Meta also introduced its Meta AI bot for all across their media platform. So,  it is kind of an innovative month for Instagram users.

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