Meta's AI is now available on Instagram

Level up your Instagram! Meta's free AI assistant helps you find content, create images, & stay informed.
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 Meta's AI is now available on Instagram

Meta AI integration on Instagram, symbolized by a blue and pink donut graphic
Gif: Meta

A new contender in the AI's World 一 Meta's AI, Meta introduced a free AI assistant today. Back in September, Mark Zuckerberg introduced his AI model, but now it's integrated into the search bar across all of Meta's social media platforms.

On Thursday, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that its first AI model has now been integrated into its Instagram search bar, not just in the US, but in more countries as well. In a video message, Zuckerberg also announced that its AI assistant has now been upgraded to the open-sourcing Llama 3 model, which the tech company believes is "Meta AI is now the most intelligent AI assistant that you can freely use".

Although Meta's AI makes its entrance in the AI era as a competitor to Open AI's ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot, the interesting thing is its integration with Google and Microsoft search Engine for getting real-time information. You can also use AI during the DM's conversation. In the example GIF shared by Meta, sent a prompt during its conversation with "BFFs 4 EVER" to Meta AI "Find a picnic spot with a Sunset view in a SanFarisco". The generated response quickly gets information from Google and is shown to the DM, which the recipient also sees.

Text message conversation about going to the park Using Meta AI
Gif: Meta

We also try some prompt for testing an image generation on instagram. Like, "Generate and image of a laptop where the background is aesthetic and the laptop screen shows a tech website "Tech Bird" from a". Although it did not get image from the link but its generates an random image like others AI models generate. We thinks that this is because it is unable to access the external webistes.
Text message conversation about using Meta AI on Instagram to generate a laptop image

How to use Meta's AI Assistant in Instagram

To acces the Meta's AI assistant, you need to follow the below steps:
  • Open the Instagram app and log in to your account.
  •  Instagram Search Bar: You can access Meta AI from the search bar where the AI icon is located or search for Meta AI.
  • Instagram DM's: To access through DM's, you just need to type the "@" sign in the message bar and choose "MetaAI" from the list and then type a prompt. 
  • Reels: You can also use the AI assistant using the reels 一 You just need to go to the comments section and follow the same procedure as the chat feature.


Meta AI is now available on Instagram in dozens of countries outside the US, such as Australia, Canada, Ghana, Jamaica, Malawi, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. But it will be available in more countries soon. Meta AI is also available through its website .
It is not only limited to Instagram, but also on others social media platform hosted by Meta.
"We're making Meta AI easier to use by integrating it into the search boxes at the top of WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and Messenger", Meta said.

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