Is Apple Planning the Thinnest iPhone Ever? Here's What We Know

Apple rumored to release the thinnest iPhone ever, iPhone 17 Slim, in 2025! Ditching Plus models, it might cost a $1,299. Will it be worth it?
Estimated read time: 2 min

Is Apple Planning the Thinnest iPhone Ever? Here's What We Know

Person holding a Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max in their hand. The time on the screen displays 12:36 AM
Image: Amjith S / Unsplash

Apple fans, rejoice! Rumors about the possible arrival of the iPhone 17 Slim are now taking the tech world by storm, which could be the thinnest iPhone ever created. This exciting speculation comes on the heels of Apple introducing its thinnest iPad Pro yet, sparking a trend towards sleek designs.

Ditching the Plus and Embracing Slim

While the official release is likely in 2025, reliable Tech Blogger Kinghacks365 has shed some light on what to expect. According to Kinghacks365, the iPhone 17 Slim will mark the end of the Plus line, with the iPhone 16 Plus,which is set to release this September, being the last hurrah for the larger-sized Plus  variant. This shift in focus signifies Apple's potential commitment to a slimmer design philosophy.

Super Slim, Super Pricey?

Kinghacks365 also suggests a massive price tag for the iPhone 17 Slim – starting from $1,299, surpassing even the iPhone Pro Max variant. This premium cost could be attributed to the innovative, ultra-thin design and potentially new materials. But the main concern is to achieve this without compromising its premium functionalities.

"Crush Ad" Learning from failure?

The trend towards thinness started with the thinnest and M4-powered iPad Pro, but it wasn't without controversy. Apple's "Crush Ad" campaign, highlighting the iPad Pro's slimness by depicting the destruction of creative tools, received heavy criticism and the Apple also apologizes and accepts that "We Missed the Mark for this video". It remains to be seen if Apple has learned from this experience and will take a different marketing approach for the iPhone 17 Slim.

A Look Ahead

The iPhone 17 Slim is still covered in speculation, but the rumors paint a picture of a potential game-changer in iPhone design. Whether Apple can achieve this extreme thinness without compromising on battery life or durability is yet to be determined. One thing's for sure: the iPhone world is eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

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