Can Nvidia Overtake Apple? Chipmaker Stock Soars, Market Cap Gap Narrows

Nvidia Stock Soars! Can it dethrone Apple for #2 spot? AI chipmaker surges as market cap gap narrows. (2024 Update)
Estimated read time: 2 min

 The Battle for Tech Industry's #2 Spot Heats Up

High-end NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card
Image: Nividia

The race for the world's second most valuable tech company is heating up! Nvidia, the graphics processing unit (GPU) giant, has been on a tear in 2024, with its stock price skyrocketing and market capitalization closing in on Apple, the current holder of the #2 spot.

So, can Nvidia dethrone Apple? Let's delve into the factors at play:

  • Nvidia's Stock Surge:

    As of June 6, 2024, Nvidia's stock (NVDA) is trading around $1,222. This represents a significant increase of over 212.04% in the past year! This impressive growth is fueled by several factors, including the booming demand for AI chips, strong growth in the gaming sector, and the recent announcement of a 10-for-1 stock split (effective June 7th).

  • Apple's Continued Strength: 

     Apple (AAPL) remains a formidable force, with a market cap still exceeding Nvidia's. However, Apple's stock price hasn't seen the same explosive growth as Nvidia's. While Apple is still a powerhouse in the smartphone and consumer electronics market, some analysts believe their growth may be reaching a plateau.

  • Market Cap Gap Narrows:

    The narrowing gap between the two companies' market caps is a key indicator of Nvidia's growing strength. With Nvidia's stock price surging, the gap between their market capitalization has shrunk considerably.

Looking Ahead:

Whether Nvidia can overtake Apple depends on several factors, including:

  • Sustained Growth: Can Nvidia maintain its current growth trajectory in the AI and gaming sectors?
  • Apple's Next Move: Will Apple unveil innovative new products ( including its launch of iPhone 16 series this year, introduction of AI strategy 一iOS 18 in WWDC24) or services that Boost investors confidence?
  • Overall Market Conditions: Broader economic factors could also play a role in determining the future of these two tech giants.

Current Stock Prices (as of June 6, 2024):

Nvidia (NVDA): ~$1,222

Apple (AAPL): ~$196.07


While it's too early to say definitively whether Nvidia will surpass Apple, the chipmaker's recent performance has certainly shaken things up. The coming months will be crucial in determining the outcome of this tech titan tussle.

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