Slimmer Bezels, Better Grip: Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra Frame Design Revamp (Rumor)

Say goodbye to boxy! Leaks suggest the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra gets a curvy frame design for better grip and slimmer bezels.
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Slimmer Bezels, Better Grip: Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra Frame Design Revamp (Rumor)

Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra Design Leak Hints at Ergonomic Improvements

Slimmer Bezels, Better Grip: Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra Frame Design Revamp (Rumor)

Eagle-eyed tech tipster Ice Universe has dropped a major hint about the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra design. According to a recent post on Ice Universe's X (formerly Twitter) account, the S25 Ultra might ditch the boxy look that plagued its predecessor, the S24 Ultra. This leak aligns with previous rumors suggesting the S25 Ultra would embrace a more curved design, reminiscent of the beloved Galaxy Note 7.

The leaked details point towards a significant ergonomic overhaul. Ice Universe claims the S25 Ultra will feature an asymmetrical frame design. The frame curves gently towards the back panel for a more comfortable grip, while the front remains straighter to accommodate the display. This design shift also promises slimmer bezels compared to the S24 Ultra, further enhancing the phone's aesthetics.

The rumored design change seems like a direct response to user feedback. The boxy corners of the S24 Ultra were a common complaint, causing discomfort during prolonged use. By incorporating a curved frame and potentially thinner bezels, Samsung appears to be prioritizing user comfort and a more premium feel for the S25 Ultra.

This leak also coincides with the recent launch of the Galaxy Fold 6, which sports a boxier design compared to the S24 Ultra. This could suggest that Samsung might be reserving the boxy aesthetic for its foldable line, while transitioning the Galaxy S series towards a more comfortable and visually appealing curved design language.

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More Galaxy S25 Ultra Rumors Expected

With the official release of the S25 Ultra still months away, we can expect further leaks and rumors to surface in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more updates on the design, specifications, and potential release date of the highly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra.


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