Meta Connect 2024: WhatsApp Introduces AI Chat and Real-Time Photo Editing

WhatsApp introduces AI chat and real-time photo editing. Experience personalized conversations, creative tools, & more with the latest Meta AI update.
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Meta Connect 2024: WhatsApp Introduces AI Chat and Real-Time Photo Editing

WhatsApp's AI Revolution: Chatting, Editing, and More for You

Meta AI chatbot interface with options for text-based and image-based interactions
Image: Meta

Meta is making waves in the world of artificial intelligence with its newly revamped chatbot, powered by the Llama 3.2 AI model. This groundbreaking update is set to transform how you interact with WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram, introducing dynamic, voice-driven conversations into the mix.

Llama 3.2, a multimodal and smaller AI model, is now openly available for commercial and research use. This powerful tool is at the heart of Meta's new chatbot, bringing a conversational twist to the platform's user experience.

A Chatbot with a Personality

One of the most exciting aspects of the Llama 3.2 model is its ability to talk. Unlike traditional chatbots that provide straightforward answers, this AI chatbot is designed to engage you in playful banter, crack jokes, and explain complex topics in a relatable way.

WhatsApp's New AI Features

The AI chatbot will be integrated into WhatsApp, offering a range of interactive features that go beyond basic tasks. With a dynamic halo icon similar to Siri, the chatbot will be easily accessible during your chats. It will also cite sources for its responses, ensuring you receive reliable information.

Voice Options and Photo Editing

Image of WhatsApp conversation with Meta AI using the "Ask with photos" feature.

Meta AI will also allow you to chat with the chatbot using the voices of famous personalities like Dame Judi Dench and John Cena. As we earlier reported, you can now able to share photos and ask the chatbot questions about them and the messaging app called this feature "Ask with photos" , such as identifying objects or getting cooking tips.

AI-Generated Images 

Meta plans to enable you to create AI-generated images of yourself in imaginative scenarios. However, it's crucial to ensure transparency by clearly labeling such content.


Meta's introduction of the Llama 3.2 AI model marks a significant advancement in creating an engaging and interactive experience across its platforms. With these new features, you can look forward to a more personalized and entertaining way to connect with technology, making your everyday interactions a lot more fun.

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