Microsoft Office apps will no longer be supported on Windows 10, update your pc now

Microsoft ends Office 365 support on Windows 10 in Oct 2025. Get security updates via ESU for $30. Upgrade to Windows 11 recommended. #Windows10
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Microsoft Office apps will no longer be supported on Windows 10, update your pc now

You can continue receiving security updates after October 14, 2025, by enrolling in the ESU program for $30.

Collection of Microsoft Office app logos (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.)
Image: Microsoft

If you are a Windows 10 user, you must upgrade your computer. Microsoft is now officially urging users to upgrade their PCs to Windows 11. In a recent update announcement, the software giant has announced that Office 365 apps will no longer be supported on Windows 10, as mainstream Windows 10 support ends on October 14, 2025. Users will still be able to use apps after the deadline, but they won't receive security updates, which will cause performance issues. This news marks an important change as we approach the Windows 10 deadline.

Microsoft 365 Office app support is also discontinued for Windows 8, 8.1, and Windows 7. This move by the software giant is to fulfill its mission to encourage users to use Windows 11. As Microsoft's executive vice president Yusuf Mehdi called 2025 "the year of the Windows 11 refresh," that shows the software company's intentions to engage more users to its new operating system - Windows 11.

The reason behind this is recent statistics from StatCounter Global Data which show that around 63% of systems worldwide are still running on Windows 10 and only 34.1% of systems are running on Windows 11, which also seems to be a setback for the software company. The obvious reason why users prefer Windows 10 over 11 is the issues that Windows 11 is facing. Like a security bug that prevents the user from receiving security updates, issues with Ubisoft games, and other Wi-Fi, and keyboard issues. These issues definitely hinder the user's outlook and make them stick to Windows 10.

Another main reason for user's preference for Windows 10 is due to hardware compatibility issues with Windows 11's unsupported systems. The strict hardware requirements of TPM 2.0 and a 2.0 Hz CPU also prevent users from updating their PCs to Windows 10. Microsoft is unwilling to compromise on TPM 2.0 restrictions and pushing users to upgrade their PCs to Windows 11-supported systems.

On a separate support page, Microsoft said, "PCs have changed a lot since Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and even Windows 10 were first released. Today's computers are faster, more powerful. And they're cool—and they come with Windows 11 already installed." The statement also urges users to purchase a new company's Copilot PC that focuses solely on Windows 11 AI.

The company also allows Windows 10 Home users to delay switching to Windows 11 by providing a new Extended Security Updates (ESU) policy for the first time. This policy allows users to pay $30 to receive security updates for one year. If you are concerned about the security of your systems and want security updates and are unable to upgrade to a supported PC, this offer is a good option for you.

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