Finally! Apple Intelligence Language Expansion Confirmed for EU in April

Apple Intelligence EU launch in April! iOS 18.4 brings language expansion & Vision Pro support. Get AI updates & Siri news here.
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Finally! Apple Intelligence Language Expansion Confirmed for EU in April

iOS 18.4, macOS 18.4, and iPadOS 18.4 will be introduced in April with Apple Intelligence support for Vision Pro and expanded language options.

Apple Intelligence on Mac, iPhone, iPad showing language tools and search
Image: Apple

Apple's biggest iOS 18 update is just around the corner! iOS 18.4 and iPadOS 18.4 are finally confirmed for release in April. The silicon giant has confirmed that more language support for Apple Intelligence is coming with iOS 18.4 and iPadOS 18.4 in April.

On Friday, Apple issued a press release regarding the release of the beta version of iOS 18.4 and iPadOS 18.4 to developers. In a statement, the company confirmed that the new iOS 18.4 will be accessible and released to the general public in April, aligning with the previous report. The company confirmed more language support for Apple Intelligence, "including French, German, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese (Simplified) — as well as localized English for Singapore and India."

Language support is a significant, exciting feature of the upcoming iOS 18.4 update, but it's important to note it's not the sole addition. The company also confirms that Apple Intelligence will be available to the general public of the EU for the first time. However, in June 2024, Apple announced that EU users would not get Apple Intelligence in 2024 due to EU DMA regulation. It seems that the company compromised on features that caused the delay of Apple Intelligence in the EU. The major reason for the delay was the interoperability requirements of the DMA, which forced Apple not to roll this out in the EU in 2024. So, the company seems to have compromised on their concerns and accepted EU regulations.

Apple claims that its AI strategy, Apple Intelligence, is secured by on-device processing for smaller requests. For larger models, "Private Cloud Compute extends the privacy and security of iPhone into the cloud to unlock even more intelligence."

Just a week after rumors surfaced, iPadOS 18.4, iOS 18.4, and macOS 18.4 will also bring Apple Intelligence support to Apple Vision Pro. The company said, "Apple Intelligence will expand to a new platform in U.S. English with Apple Vision Pro, helping users communicate, collaborate, and express themselves in entirely new ways."

After huge rumors that Apple iOS 18.4 would bring a major overhaul to Siri, the recent statement emphasizes that users need to wait longer to access the upgrade. The company further added, "Apple Intelligence will continue to expand with new features in the coming months, including more capabilities for Siri."

Once iOS 18.4 is rolled out, we will definitely inform you about the features. Stay tuned for updates as we learn more about Apple's plans for the Siri upgrade.

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