Apple's Visual Intelligence is coming to the iPhone 15 Pro

iPhone 15 Pro gains Visual Intelligence! iOS 18.4 update brings AI camera features via Action button. Learn how Apple's new tech enhances your device.
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Apple's Visual Intelligence is coming to the iPhone 15 Pro

With the iPhone 15 Pro, you'll be able to use the Action button for visual image searches using Visual Intelligence.

Apple iPhone 16e showcasing Visual Intelligence, similar functionality to be available on iPhone 15 Pro with iOS update.
Apple's Visual intelligence on iPhone 16e using the action button. Image: Apple

Following the buzz surrounding the recent introduction of the more accessible iPhone 16e, it appears Apple has another compelling update in store. A recent report circulating online indicates that the technology giant is preparing to bring its notable "Visual Intelligence" feature, initially showcased on flagship iPhone 15 Pro, to a wider audience.

An Apple representative, in conversation with John Gruber of Daring Fireball, reportedly confirmed that the iPhone 15 Pro will soon receive the "Visual Intelligence" capability, a feature reminiscent of Google Lens, integrated seamlessly with its Action button. "Apple would not comment, on or off the record, regarding the precise timeline for this feature's arrival on the iPhone 15 Pro," Gruber noted. However, there's growing optimism that this functionality could debut with the iOS 18.4 update. This feature empowers users to effortlessly identify objects by capturing a photograph, much like the familiar Google Lens experience. With the launch of the iPhone 16 series in September 2024, Apple strategically positioned this feature as a key component of its broader AI strategy, "Apple Intelligence."

Given that the iPhone 15 series is also compatible with iOS 18, and "Apple Intelligence" was introduced with this version, many users have wondered how this feature, originally associated with a dedicated camera button on the iPhone 16 series, would translate to the older model. However, by demonstrating its integration via the Action button on the iPhone 16e, Apple has clarified that "Visual Intelligence" will indeed be accessible through the Action button on the iPhone 15 Pro as well.

Apple has also released the iOS 18.4 beta, with plans to launch the full iOS 18.4 version in April, which will include a significant Siri upgrade. Consequently, there is a strong possibility that the iPhone 15 Pro will seamlessly integrate "Visual Intelligence" with the iOS 18.4 update. As soon as Apple officially rolls out this feature, I will provide you with all the details.

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