TikTok is now back on Google Play and the App Store in the US

TikTok returns to US app stores! Download now on Google Play & App Store. What's next for TikTok in the US? Find out here.
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TikTok is now back on Google Play and the App Store in the US

TikTok is now available for download on Google Play and the App Store for Android and iOS devices in the US.

Official TikTok logo on colorful background
Illustration: Tech Bird

After a month-long absence, TikTok is finally back on Google's Play Store and Apple's App Store. Both companies
reportedly made this move after receiving assurance from the Attorney General of the United States that the company wouldn't be fined for hosting the app. The giant short video platform is now available for download from both stores.

Back in January 2025, TikTok was shut down for some time after the Superior Court of the United States banned the platform. In response to this judgment, both the App Store and Google Play Store removed access to downloading the app from their platforms. However, the new US administration provided a relief period of 75 days for the short-form platform by lifting the ban through an executive order, allowing TikTok to return from shutdown to operational status. Despite the 75-day lift of the ban, both Apple and Google did not reinstate the app on their platforms. This action by both companies seems purely aimed at avoiding fines of billions of dollars for hosting TikTok.

 During TikTok's absence from both stores, the social media platform worked hard to stay relevant and ensure that users remained engaged with their platform and did not leave. To facilitate this, the company recently introduced an APK version to allow users to download the app outside the restrictions of hosting platforms in the US market. The company also enabled users to download the lite version of TikTok from the official website.

 The long-term future of TikTok in the US remains uncertain.  The key question is what steps TikTok will take to ensure its continued operation if the US government does not extend the 75-day reprieve.  While there are reports suggesting a possible extension, these remain unsubstantiated rumors.  The situation will become clearer as the current period draws to a close.  The return of TikTok to US app stores, even if temporary, is a significant development for the platform and its millions of users.

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