
Android Anti-Theft: Swipe-to-Lock Feature Rolling Out

Android Anti-Theft: Swipe-to-Lock Feature Rolling Out New Android Feature: Swipe and Lock Your Phone Image: Kinghacks365 In a significant move to bol…

WhatsApp Soon Gets Instagram Upgrade: Double Tap Reactions

WhatsApp Soon Gets Instagram Upgrade: Double Tap Reactions Meta's Messaging Giant Takes a Cue from Instagram Alfredo Rivera / Pixabay WhatsApp, t…

WhatsApp introduces new text formatting shortcuts for convenient messaging

WhatsApp introduces new text formatting shortcuts for convenient messaging Image: Thomas Ulrich  Meta-owned messaging app WhatsApp rolled out four ne…

WhatsApp chat backups will soon start eating up your Google Drive storage on Android

WhatsApp chat backups will soon start eating up your Google Drive storage on Android Android Users will need to pay for WhatsApp backup storage Image…
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