Apple scheduled 'Scary Fast' event on October 30

Apple's 'Scary Fast' event on Oct 30: New Macs & more. Stay tuned for the latest tech revelations.
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Apple scheduled 'Scary Fast' event on October 30

New Mac is expected to be launched at 'Scary Fast' event 

Apple Event Invitation and 'Scary Fast' Schedule Information
Image: Apple

Apple has announced a 'Scary Fast' event next week on October 30 a day before a Halloween party. New Macs and M3 chips are expected to be the main highlight of this event. Apple sent invitation alerts of online events to the media. As a name "Scary Fast" suggests the exceptional speed of the products to be announced. Scary Fast event time is different from their previous schedule. The event will go live on YouTube and at 5:00 PM PT,8:00 PM ET, and 1:00 AM BST.

The new 24-inch iMac is expected to be launched alongside with new MacBook Pro. As per rumors, MacBook Pros will come in two sizes most likely 14 inches and 16 inches. The event animation poster turned into "Face" shared by Apple is also indicating the Mac as a main highlight of the "Scary Fast".

Apple's 'Scary Fast' Event Animation Poster with Mac Highlight
Apple Event Logo  |  Gif: Apple

Previous rumors suggest the launch of M3 chips for Mac computers, but as of now, it seems that M3 chips will be launched until 2024 due to limited shipments fourth quarter of 2023, as predicts by Ming-Chi Kuo and Mark Gurman. iMac still runs on the M1 chip, while the other lineup is already moved on the M2 chip.

In the Wanderlust event, Apple launched the iPhone 15 lineup that comes with iOS 17 and USB C charging supports, Apple faces many issues with screen burn-in, overheating, and battery draining on iPhone 15 due to the iOS 17. To overcome this issue, Apple recently launched iOS 17.1 to overcome these issues. Apple also launched Apple Pencil with USB-C charging as a USB-C port will become compulsory for electronic devices from 2024.

Stay connected to get more details about the upcoming products and details of the event.

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