WhatsApp Developing Feature to Hide Locked Chats for Enhanced User Privacy

WhatsApp is working on a new feature that allows users to hide locked chats, boosting privacy. Keep your conversations secure and private.
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WhatsApp Developing Feature to Hide Locked Chats for Enhanced User Privacy 

WhatsApp users soon be able to hide locked chats from chat list

WhatsApp, owned by Meta, is continuously working on enhancing security and privacy for its user. Reportedly, WhatsApp is working on a feature that will allow user to hide locked chats. Currently, locked chats are accessible through the chat list which is visible to everyone who accesses your account, revealing that some protected conservations exist.

As reported by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is testing a “Hide Chat Lock” feature in the beta version. Beta users currently have the option to eliminate the entry point access to locked chats, and these locked chats will be revealed by entering a secret code into the search bar.

Meta, while introducing a Chat Lock feature, also announced "creating a custom password for your chats so that you can use a unique password different from the one you use for your phone". As per reported, WhatsApp is also officially working on secret code feature in the beta version, so it is expected that “Hide Locked Chat” feature will be launched alongside the secret code feature.

Additionally, as mentioned in a previous article on how to setup a passkey 一 WhatsApp introduced a new passkey feature for Android users. User security is reliably provided by the Passkeys feature, which is not achievable with outdated two factor authentication methods like OTP verification by SMS and email.

Through its official X (formerly known as Twitter) account, Meta-owned WhatsApp unveiled a new passkeys functionality for Android users. According to a WhatsApp announcement, Android users can now login to their accounts using their face, fingers, or passkey.

However, there is no information available regarding the inclusion of passkey feature for iOS users.  WhatsApp continues to improve security and reliability for its users and also set to introduce many layout and design changes for both iOS and Android. Stay tuned and connected to get more updates and new tools information.

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