Apple supports spatial video recording with iOS 17.2 Beta 2 on iPhone 15 pro

Apple has enabled spatial video recording on the iPhone 15 Pro with iOS 17.2 beta 2. Learn how to enable and record spatial videos, and what to expect
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Apple supports spatial video recording with iOS 17.2 Beta 2 on iPhone 15 pro

iOS users will able to watch spatial video when Vision Pro launched 

iPhone 15 pro Spatial video recording with iOS 17.2
Image: Apple

With the launch of the iPhone 15 series this year, Apple also announced the spatial video recording on the device later for Vision Pro, which is set to launch in early 2024. Now users of iOS 17.2 beta 2 experience spatial video recording on iPhone 15 pro.

Users just need to record the video in spatial mode and Once Apple's Vision Pro is launched you will able to see the video via AR/VR headset. They will also be able to shoot spatial video using Vision Pro itself. Apple shared information about the storage of spatial video in 1080p at 30fps in his statement: "Record spatial video with remarkable depth for viewing in the Photos app on Apple Vision Pro. For best results, keep the iPhone in landscape orientation and stable while recording. Video is recorded at 30 fps at 1080p. A minute of spatial video is approximately 130 MB."

A screenshot shared by iSoftware Updates on its official X (formally known as Twitter) which suggests that the Spatial option will be spotted in the video interface as the Vision Pro-Style icon in the bottom-left corner. For this, the user needs to enable this toggle from Settings> Camera>Formats> Spatial Video for Apple Vision Pro.

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Currently, beta users of iOS will support this feature in the iPhone 15 pro and can shoot video in 1080p. but you will watch the video as a normal standard video through photos. When the Vision Pro is headed in early 2024, you will able to watch the spatial video through the headset.

Besides this, Apple launched iOS 17.1 to address screen burn-in issues and overheating issues in the iPhone 15 Pro Max. The smartphone company said this issue was due to a software bug. this update also comes to address the iPhone 12 high radiation level issue pointed out by the French regulatory authority ANFR.  

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