WhatsApp introduced a new way to voice chat with large groups

WhatsApp revolutionizes group communication with a new voice chat feature, enabling live conversations with up to 32 participants.
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WhatsApp introduced a new way to voice chat with large groups

Groups of more than 33 people will use this voice chat feature

WhatsApp voice chat
Image: WhatsApp


WhatsApp is rolling out a new voice chat feature in the coming weeks. This update provides a less distracting way of communicating with large groups through voice calls. This feature was previously rolled out in a beta version, now it will be headed soon.

Meta-owned messaging company announced this discord-like voice chat for large groups on Monday. This new feature gives the user more control over their chats 一 ability to allow participants to send text messages at the same time when connected to the voice chat. WhatsApp made this announcement also through its official X (formally known as Twitter) account.

This feature works slightly differently from standard voice calls, Participants will be not rung automatically when the voice chat starts, just be notified with a push notification to join a call. This feature is available for up to 33 people groups. This WhatsApp voice chat is end-to-end encrypted like a standard call.

To start a voice call, just open the Group chat > 'Voice Waveform icon' (top right corner) > Start Voice Chat option. Participants who did not join are still able to see who joined the voice chat. You can also see who has joined the voice chat in a banner on the bottom of the screen, say WhatsApp.


Besides this, WhatsApp reportedly working on Pin messages on chat for iOS, Email verification, and Hiding locked chats for Android. These features are now available for only beta users. This shows WhatsApp's intent of providing more enhanced security and user-friendly for their users. Both iOS and Android users will receive this new voice chat feature in coming weeks.

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