Windows is now an App for iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Seamlessly access Windows apps from your iPhone, iPad, or Mac with the revolutionary Windows App, expanding your digital workspace and productivity.
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Windows is now an App for iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Microsoft rolls out a limited preview version of its Windows App

Windows is now an App for iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Microsoft introduced a new way to use Windows resources for iOS devices 一 Windows App provides an interface for users to connect with Virtual Desktop, Windows 365, Microsoft Dev Box, Remote Desktop Services, and remote PCs. The giant company did not provide any information regarding the availability of this app for Android.

The Windows app helps you access multiple different services and remote PCs from one place. The app also supports multiple accounts 一 lets users switch between them. Apart from these, other features that Windows apps support are multiple monitor support, custom display resolutions, dynamic display resolutions and scaling, device redirection, such as webcams, audio, storage devices, and printers, and Microsoft Teams optimization, as Learn Microsoft mentions.

Microsoft's Windows App is currently available for prerelease preview for business accounts and not mentioned of when it will be headed for general public users. This App can also be used by a web browser 一 without having to download and install any software.

Microsoft Ignite 2023: Windows App Preview with Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop
Image: Microsoft

You can connect to Remote Desktop Services and a remote PC with Windows App on macOS or iOS/iPadOS, but Microsoft doesn't currently support these connections, say Learn Microsoft.

 The Windows app preview is currently accessible for iPhone, iPad, and Mac through the TestFlight app from Apple. Access through TestFlight is not for all time as the capacity limit is set. Sometimes you will not be able to preview this app when the limit is reached. However, the company promised that they would rotate the participants, to increase the availability for a wider public.

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