Microsoft is killing Android apps support on Windows 11

Android apps GONE from Windows 11 on March 5, 2025! Download alternatives & explore emulators. #Windows11 #AndroidApps
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Microsoft is killing Android apps support on Windows 11

Microsoft is killing Android app support on Windows 11

Attention Windows 11 users! Download your Android emulator back, because Microsoft is ending support for running Android apps on your PC starting March 5, 2025. This feature allowed you to download limited selected Android apps using the Amazon App Store.

In 2021, Microsoft introduced Windows Subsystem for Android 一 a new way to bring Android apps from Amazon Prime to Windows 11. But today, the software giant surprisingly announced the deprecation news of this feature from its official support page.

"Microsoft is ending support for the Windows Subsystem for Android™️ (WSA). As a result, the Amazon Appstore on Windows and all applications and games dependent on WSA will no longer be supported beginning March 5, 2025. Until then, technical support will remain available to customers. Customers that have installed the Amazon Appstore or Android apps before March 5, 2024, will continue to have access to those apps through the deprecation date of March 5, 2025."

Microsoft has not provided a specific reason for ending WSA support. However, despite rolling out several updates over the past year, the user experience has never been great. Microsoft is probably killing the Windows Subsystem for Android due to lack of user usage or thinking that what do we need when native or web apps are working so well? Many major apps that are available on the Google Play Store are also not available on the Amazon App Store, which could also be a reason for the surprising outage.

If you rely on Android apps for everyday tasks on your Windows 11 machine, explore other options like emulators or alternative app stores from trusted sources. Downloading from untrusted sources can lead to Windows viruses or the theft of sensitive information on your computer.

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