Everything You Need to Know about Upcoming iOS 18 Features

Unlock iOS 18 secrets! Smarter Siri, custom home screens, Apple Maps upgrades & more in Apple's biggest update
Estimated read time: 3 min

Everything You Need to Know about Upcoming iOS 18 Features

New iOS 18 update coming soon, featuring rumored improvements to Apple Maps.

Apple plans to launch its "Biggest" update ever 一 iOS 18, at WWDC on June 10. Last November, when Mark Gorman used the anticipated headline "Apple Is Taking Extra Care With 'Ambitious' iOS 18 Update" to spread rumors about upcoming updates. Some of the features were known to the users at the time, but the complete details about this update are now accessible to iPhone users.

Below are all the details about the upcoming iOS 18 new features.

Feature of iOS 18

Smarter Siri and Generative AI

iOS 18: AI-powered Siri and generative features on the horizon

In this era of modern technology, every leading tech company is prioritizing artificial intelligence. Tech giant Apple is also set to make its appearance in AI with the launch of iOS 18 which could turn out to be a complete powerhouse as it is expected to come with plenty of AI features. As reported by Mark Gurman, iOS 18 will come with new generative AI features for Siri, Spotlight, Shortcuts, Apple Music, Messages, and more.

iOS 18 is expected to introduce new "Generative AI" to development tools like Xcode, which will improve the efficiency of writing new applications faster. It looks similar to the services provided by Microsoft's GitHub Copilot, which automatically makes complete code suggestions. As reported by the Wall Street Journal, Apple is not building its own custom AI chatbot but had discussions with Baidu about using Chinese companies to model generative AI. There were also reportedly some discussions with Google Gemini and OpenAI's ChatGPT.

New Apple Maps Features

Explore new ways to navigate with rumored upcoming features in Apple Maps for iOS 18

Apple-powered Maps is expected to introduce new features in iOS 18. The New Maps consist of two main features: Custom Routes and Topographic Maps. Custom Routes 一 will help you create your own routes using specific roads, which can be very convenient to avoid traffic, or to drive more comfortably along a familiar route. But, it is expected that it may be limited to US people only at the time of launch.

Topographic Maps一 is what was introduced on the Apple Watch. Now, Apple is extending it to its iPhone, iPad and Macs in iOS 18. This map gives you more details such as ideal elevation changes to view slopes and hills, and also a trail marker on the map for the visualizing difficulty level and length of your adventure. Outdoor activities such as hiking and camping.

More Customisable Home Screen

Big news for iPhone users, Apple has finally decided to provide the user with a basic feature that Android users have been using for a long time. iOS 18 reportedly has a feature to customize the home screen, allowing users to easily adjust app icons anywhere on the home screen.

While this feature is exclusively for devices that are eligible for iOS 18 users, on iOS 17 iPhones, users can still use this app's icon adjustment on the home screen by using a spotlight, by adding spaces between app icons, creating columns and rows.

RCS Support in Messaging App

Apple is going to turn its words into reality. In November, the tech giant announced that in late 2024, iPhone users will be allowed to use RCS support for standard iOS using the Messages app. RCS support can now reportedly be seen on iOS 18 as well, this support for the messaging app will improve the messaging experience between iPhone and Android phones with various features including high-resolution photos. and videos, audio messages, typing indicators, and Wi-Fi messaging between iPhones and Android devices.

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