WhatsApp rolls out Chat Filters feature for both iOS and Android

Tired of sifting through endless chats? WhatsApp's new Chat Filters for iPhone & Android let you easily find unread messages and organize groups.
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WhatsApp rolls out Chat Filters feature for both iOS and Android

WhatsApp phone app showing chat list with "Chat Filters" menu for easier chat management.
Image: Adem AY / Unsplash

Exciting news!! WhatsApp finally introduced the most awaited feature Chat Filters to provide seamless navigation to chats. This feature is currently available for both Android and iOS users.

Today, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the update through his official WhatsApp channel. This feature seems to be purely for ease of navigation through long chats. Before this Chat Filters, the messaging app already allowed the user to view unread chats, but now there is a dedicated filter option at the top of the chats. Now you can see a bunch of unread chats with just one click.

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WhatsApp Chat Filters Options

WhatsApp mobile app showing chat list with "Chat Filters" option to categorize chats for easier management
Image: Mark Zuckerberg / Meta

The new Chat Filters includes three filters "All", "Unread" and "Groups". The most awaited filter option for users, which they have been asking for many years, is the group filter. The launch of this new feature shows how much your feedback is considered by WhatsApp, the largest messaging platform.

All:  This filter option displays all chats without discrimination.

Unread: This "Unread" filter distinguishes unread chats from read chats. A real need today, as contacts have a large number of conversations that make it difficult to navigate through unread chats.

Groups: The most attractive and interesting filter option for users 一 Separate chats from a messy number of chats. This dedication will provide a sigh of relief for those who have many contact chats.


This Chat Filters feature is globally available for both Android and iOS users starting today. If you are not getting this update then make sure your WhatsApp is updated to the latest version from Google Play Store and Apps Store. If this feature is still not available on your device, wait for a few days and it will be available for you.

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