WhatsApp introduced Passkey feature for iOS worldwide

Upgrade your iPhone WhatsApp security! Ditch OTPs, use Passkey for secure login with Face ID/Touch ID. Easy setup, info inside.
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WhatsApp introduced Passkey feature for iOS worldwide

iPhone home screen showing various messaging apps including WhatsApp

An important move for iPhone users 一 WhatsApp has finally introduced a passkey feature for iOS users to enhance security and provide relief from common OTP headaches. Android users have been experiencing this 'passkey' feature for about six months now.

On Wednesday, the Meta-owned messaging platform announced the update via its official X (formerly known as Twitter) handle. This new security feature will allow iOS users to easily set their device's passcodes, Face ID or Touch ID to access their WhatsApp account. This core technology feature stores your password as a passkey on your device and protects your account from phishing attacks, data, and other security breaches that would occur with traditional passwords or one-time passwords.

 How to setup WhatsApp Passkey on iOS

For enabling Passkey to enhance your security, you just need to follow these simple steps.

  • Launch WhatsApp and navigate to Settings.
  • Now Select Account and choose Passkeys option.
  • Create your Passkey using FaceID or Touch ID and confirm with a simple tap.
  • Now you will able to logging back into your account seamlessly.

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