Local supply drops in Pakistan after Samsung Galaxy S24's massive launch

Samsung Galaxy S24 Shortage in Pakistan! Massive Demand Exceeds Supply
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Local supply drops in Pakistan after Samsung Galaxy S24's massive launch

Three Samsung smartphones: Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24+ and Galaxy S24 Ultra
Image: Kinghacks365

A surprising moment in Pakistan's tech history, the supply of the Samsung Galaxy S24 series has dropped significantly after an unusual launch, Bloomberg reported. This sudden surge in demand left retailers scrambling to fulfill orders, as there is a localized shortage of smartphones in the market.

In 2021, when a deal was struck between Samsung and Lucky Motor Corporation, it started assembling Samsung smartphones. This creates an alarming trend in the Pakistani tech market, as the giant tech company's budget phones are preferred by the world's fifth-largest consumer country, home to 192 million mobile users. And Samsung has always had the biggest share in this community, but now this change surprised many users, because for the first time Samsung's flagship phone got a lot of attention.

After the Unpacked event in January, the Samsung Galaxy S24 lineup is still the most in-demand smartphone in the world. The simplest proof of this is that Samsung overtook rival company Apple in the latest IDC report and became the leader in global smartphone shipments. Now its influence comes in the Pakistan market.

A bigger reason for the higher demand all around the World is its Galaxy AI features a main highlight of the Galaxy S24 series, which leads to excitement and curiosity in the majority of mobile users community and enthusiasts. Whatever the reason, one thing is clear 一 Samsung's Flagship phone hit the worldwide market with a storm.

It looks like prospective Samsung customers will have to wait a little longer to get their hands on the flagship smartphone. But good news! The tech giant did its best and ramped up production to meet the growing demands.

Samsung Pakistan said in the latest statement,
"Samsung Electronics is working hard to meet the demand of our customers, and we anticipate sales will resume shortly."

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