WhatsApp introduces Custom Chat Lists - New Way to Organize Your Chats

WhatsApp's new Custom Chat Lists let you organize your chats like a pro! Categorize, prioritize, and personalize your WhatsApp experience.
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WhatsApp introduces Custom Chat Lists - New Way to Organize Your Chats

This new feature will allow you to create your own chat list on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp logo on a green background with chat bubbles
Image: TechBird

WhatsApp's latest update introduces a game-changing feature that will revolutionize the way you organize your chats: Custom Lists.

Tired of scrolling through endless chat lists? Frustrated with finding important messages buried under a mountain of notifications? Fear not, WhatsApp has the solution. With Custom Lists, you can now effortlessly categorize your chats into personalized groups, making it easier than ever to stay organized and focused.

How Custom Lists Work

Custom Lists are the natural evolution of chat filters, a feature introduced earlier this year. But unlike filters, which are temporary, Custom Lists are permanent. You can create as many lists as you need and customize them to your liking.

A screenshot of the WhatsApp chat list with the new Custom Chat Lists feature highlighted, showing categories like Favorites, Groups, Neighbors, and more.
Image: WhatsApp

To create a new list, simply tap the "+" button in the filter bar at the top of your Chats tab. From there, you can add both group and individual chats to your list. To edit an existing list, long-press on it and make the necessary changes.

Why Custom Lists Are a Game-Changer

Custom Lists offer a multitude of benefits:

  • Enhanced Organization: Categorize your chats by topic, relationship, or any other criteria you prefer.
  • Improved Productivity: Quickly access important conversations without the clutter.
  • Personalized Experience: Tailor your WhatsApp experience to your specific needs.

As this feature is rolling out gradually, it may take a few weeks to reach all WhatsApp users.

So, get ready to streamline your chat experience and take control of your digital life with WhatsApp's new Custom Lists feature.

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