X Updates Block Feature - Blocked Users Can Now See Your Posts

X updates blocking feature, allowing blocked users to see your posts. Elon Musk's controversial move sparks privacy concerns. Learn more.
Estimated read time: 2 min

X Updates Block Feature - Blocked Users Can Now See Your Posts 

Blocked users can still not engage with your posts (such as replies, reposts, etc.)

X social media app icon on a smartphone screen
Image: Julian Christ / Unsplash

Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind X (formerly Twitter), has once again made headlines with a bold move. After acquiring the platform, Musk has been steadily implementing changes to reshape the social media landscape. From rebranding to introducing new features like live video spaces and audio and video calling for iOS, Musk's influence is undeniable.

In a surprising and somewhat controversial move, X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, has updated its blocking feature. This change, initially hinted at by Elon Musk, will now allow blocked users to viewyour posts, though they won't be able to interact with them.

Why the Change?

Musk has argued that preventing blocked users from seeing public posts doesn't make sense. However, critics have raised concerns about the potential for increased harassment and stalking. By allowing blocked users to view posts, even if they can't interact, it could still enable them to monitor someone's activity.

The Impact on User Privacy and Safety

This change has sparked debate among users and privacy advocates. While it may seem like a minor tweak, it could have significant implications for user privacy and safety. For individuals who rely on the block feature to protect themselves from harassment or unwanted attention, this change could be unsettling.

The Future of Blocking on X

It remains to be seen how this new blocking feature will impact user behavior and the overall platform experience. X is a constantly evolving platform, and it's possible that further adjustments or clarifications may be made in the future.

As users adapt to this new reality, it's important to be mindful of your online activity and consider the potential consequences of sharing content publicly. While X is taking steps to foster a more open platform, it's crucial to balance this with the need to protect users from harm.

What are your thoughts on this change? Do you believe it will have a positive or negative impact on the platform? Share your opinions in the comments below.

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